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automation meaning in computer

Automation – has this word ever made a sound? It’s an interesting word! Automation is when technology is used to perform jobs that people used to do entirely by themselves in the world of computers. What if you had a robot to help you with your homework so that you could spend more time playing? Automation can assist with simpler tasks, such as storing your files, and it can even assist with more complex tasks, such as viewing and analyzing large amounts of information. It is like having a helpful assistant working for you now!

How Automation is changing the ways of Computing

In a lot of ways, automation is the outer limit of how we use computers. We were taught that everything had to be done manually — which was time consuming and labor-intensive. They had to sift through tons of information, run programs individually, and meticulously file things. But now, computers can do this with automation — all on their own! It allows us to accomplish our tasks at a greater speed and with more efficiency. These tasks can be performed rapidly by a computer without a human attendant. This has simplified and improved computer usage for everybody.

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